How Oregano Oil and Other Natural Oils Can Help Fight Infections

How Oregano Oil and Other Natural Oils Can Help Fight Infections

How Oregano Oil and Other Natural Oils Can Help Fight Infections

Like many essential and natural oils, oregano oil has many health benefits, which include the ability to fight off infections and prevent cold symptoms from worsening. Oil of oregano can also help treat fungal infections of the feet and nails, making this a great product to have in your home. 

Here are some additional benefits of Oregano Essential Oil as well as some other great oils to keep in your home. 

What is Oregano Oil?

Oregano oil is extracted from the fragrant leaves of an oregano plant. The oil has a high concentration of carvacol and thymol, two phenol chemicals with cleansing properties. Upon approval or recommendation of your physician oregano oil can be taken internally to help support a healthy immune system and healthy digestion and respiratory function. It can also be used in cooking, and even added to cleaning supplies for a deeper clean. It is considered to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-tussive, an expectorant, and a stimulant.

Oregano Oil Uses and Benefits


For a quick and easy all-purpose cleaner, simply add 10 drops of Oregano essential oil into a 16-ounce spray bottle with water. Oregano oil is a powerful cleansing and purifying agent, and this simple spray is great for surfaces and countertops, even natural stone. 

Immune Support

One of the many Oregano oil benefits is that is can help support a healthy immune system (under the approval of your doctor). For many people one drop taken daily can help maintain healthy immune function and even fight against seasonal colds or flu, and help improve respiratory function. The oil can also speed recovery during illness.


Another great use of oregano oil is adding a little flavor to your favorite Italian cuisine. The oil is both spicy and herbaceous and will add the perfect hint of flavor to spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, and more. If you have a recipe that calls for ground oregano, simply replace it with one drop of Oregano essential oil instead. 

Improve Digestion 

Oregano oil can also support healthy digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive juices. When experiencing occasional digestive issues, take Oregano oil internally by diluting a drop in a glass of water or by putting two drops into a veggie capsule.

Help With Skin Infections

When diluted in coconut oil oregano essential oil can be used on skin infections to boost healing. It can address conditions like athletes foot, fungal infections, and even warts. 

Ease Seasonal Allergies

Diluted in a carrier oil, oregano essential oil taken internally can help with allergies.

Oregano essential oil diluted in olive oil can be rubbed on sore muscles and joints for pain relief.

Other Immune Building Natural and Essential Oils


Lemon Oil

Lemon is an immune stimulant and has been shown to be useful in treating influenza viruses, E. coli and some Staphylococcus strains. The oil can also help to relieve nausea.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus can help treat the symptoms of colds when applied to the chest and feet. Or it can be added to steam inhalation to help clear congested sinuses. 

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary is another helpful oil for respiratory illness and can be useful in treating bacterial and fungal infections. It also has mild anti-viral properties.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree is an immune stimulant and a very strong anti-septic oil. It has been shown to be effective to treat viral infections of the digestive system.

Clove Oil

Clove Bud is a powerful anti-bacterial and useful for treating bacterial infections that affect the digestive system

Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon is probably one of the strongest antibacterial oils, and also has some added anti-fungal properties. It is excellent for adding to cleaning products in small amounts just remember to avoid using it directly on the skin.

This entry was posted in oils and tagged essential oilsnatural oilsoil of oreganooregano oiloregano oil healthy benefits on  by Ninon.
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